Reduce your credit card processing fees up to 40% and maximize your bottom line.
87% of wholesale distributors we talk to are unaware that card networks 'penalize' them for accepting business/commercial debit and credit cards, resulting in higher rates.
We Understand the Frustration with Credit Card Processing Fees—We’re Right There with You.
Your current payment solution could be costing you hundreds or thousands per month. The card networks charge higher rates on business cards compared to consumer cards, which doesn't seem fair to you.
Excessive card fees
Margins are already tight, being squeezed by card fees doesn't help. Even a small change in rates has an impact.
Rising COG
Cost of goods has increased across the board, putting constant pressure on wholesale margins.
Customer preference
An increasing number of retailers prefer to pay with business/commercial cards rather than ACH or cash.
Automated Rate Reduction Solution
Learn how our Automated Rate Reduction (ARR) solution increases your bottom line—immediately.
3 Ways Wholesale
Distributors Can Add
Up to 3% to Their
Bottom Line
Most wholesale distributors just like you experience the same problem. We're happy to provide some specific strategies.
Download our free guide to learn more about putting up to 3% back on your total invoice dollars.
The Automated Rate Reduction Plan
1. Schedule a brief appointment
Start the conversation so we can discover your need for ARR.
2. Implement the ARR solution
Execute the automated rate reduction solution for your wholesale business.
3. Reclaim up to 3% of your invoice dollars
Reap the benefits of lower credit card processing fees, effortless and automated.
“Automatically reducing our card fees increased our
net income by almost 5%.”
Patrick S | CFO, HVAC Wholesaler